Relocating to not Melbourne...

Now, I must explain the name of this blog.

I am a born and bred Perth girl (gal, person, woman). Perth is the most isolated city in the world and it feels like it. The best way I can describe it is the most beautiful city that is ideal to raise children in but as soon as you turn 18 and sink that first legal passion pop it becomes a enclosed bubble of over priced coffee and craft beer, mixed with ex lovers who have fucked your ex lovers times infinity. Don't get me wrong its a swell time and I will always vehemently defend it but its like your favourite Elle Mcpherson g-string with a hole near the clit,  beautiful but sooner or later that irritating feeling is to much to handle and thus need to be tossed.

So, this brings me to a Perth's individuals typical underwear cleansing or fly from the coup... the sad and lonely to Perthanalities move across the country to the hip to be square location of Melbourne a city that can fulfil the thirst of the budding entitled actors and artists to EY's newest uber white or token coloured graduate program members. Although Sydney satisfies that thirst, Melbourne brings a level of smugness like that band you and ten other people fizz over never going mainstream or that 10 you slept with last night going down on you without pushing your head towards his crotch straight after. I think it is that nonsensical reason or it is simply less of a step up in population. Either way at least with people I know for every one person that moves to Sydney three move to Melbourne.

I guess this blog is just an outlet for me to share what this new found anonymity will bring and how many times I cry over the spilt milk that is my once vibrant but incestual social life... 
