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First Fire

As I stood in front of the ringmaster outfits in my local costume shop, I thought to myself "Which one is slutty enough without making my stomach look enormous," I was looking for a outfit to wear to my virgin attendance to a fetish club.  Since I was around 17 I have always been interested in the world of kink, some people would see that as young as many people associate that world with Fifty Shades of Grey and desperate middle age housewives who go as far as plastic handcuffs and use it as an excuse to buy a double ended dildo.  Anyway, to someone who has been flicking the bean since before she hit puberty and had her first sexual experience at 12 its about right. I think it all started when I watched my first or maybe fifth episode of secret diary of a call girl. I devoured the whole season in one day. It was the first time I had had an insight into sex beyond the vanilla, without it being some weird perve that is used as weird sub plot. Since then I have graduate

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